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Send a suspicious file/link for analysis

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Invalid Dr.Web serial number. Serial number specification is not mandatory for your request. If you dont have valid Dr.Web serial number, do not enter anything.

If we receive the same virus from multiple users, it is added to the Dr.Web virus database on the basis of the first user’s request.

In response to your communication, an email containing the ID of the created request will automatically be sent to the email address you specified. You can ask any clarifying questions on the topic of your request in a reply email. Note that sending samples to virus analysts does not involve a regulated response time.

Fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

Attach file

  • Please include only one file per request, unless you think several files are related to the same virus activity.
  • If you send an archive containing viruses, password-protect it with the password virus

Request category (?) *

Your email: *
Your Dr.Web serial number:

Such requests are processed first

Enter the string from the picture: *

Specify link

Request category (?) *

Find out: what sites does Dr.Web consider potentially harmful? non-recommended?

Your email: *
Your Dr.Web serial number:

Such requests are processed first

Enter the string from the picture: *

Dr.Web vxCube

Does your anti-virus consider a file to be "clean", but you have your doubts?

To scan a file, use the Dr.Web vxCube online service—a cloud-based intelligent interactive analyser for suspicious objects that has been specially designed for information security professionals and cybercriminalists.

In just a minute, you will find out whether a file is malicious (and if it is, to what extent) and receive a detailed report that includes a video showing how the file is operating in the system and making modifications to it, and what nodes it is connecting to. You will also see its network activity map and more.

Learn more