Техническая информация
- %HOMEPATH%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\Instant Forex Profit System Crazy launch of a crazy software.LNK
- %HOMEPATH%\Start Menu\Instant Forex Profit System Crazy launch of a crazy software.LNK
- %HOMEPATH%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\KHMHGZ4F\program[1]
- %HOMEPATH%\Desktop\Instant Forex Profit System Crazy launch of a crazy software.LNK
- %PROGRAM_FILES%\Instant Forex Profit System Crazy launch of a crazy software\Icon13112011112955.ico
- %PROGRAM_FILES%\Instant Forex Profit System Crazy launch of a crazy software\Instant Forex Profit System Crazy launch of a crazy software.LNK
- 'www.ch###queen.com':80
- 'localhost':1036
- www.ch###queen.com/cb/INSTANTFOR/program
- DNS ASK www.ch###queen.com
- ClassName: 'IEFrame' WindowName: '(null)'
- ClassName: 'MS_AutodialMonitor' WindowName: '(null)'
- ClassName: 'MS_WebcheckMonitor' WindowName: '(null)'
- ClassName: 'EDIT' WindowName: '(null)'
- ClassName: 'Shell_TrayWnd' WindowName: '(null)'
- ClassName: '' WindowName: '(null)'