- 0b68c9bc12bb4b1450abe0b3cd9a2fc76f45aa2a
Tool.GPSTracker.1.origin is the detection name for a specialized com.navigine.geodatasdk SDK (Software Development Kit) designed to covertly track user location and movement. This SDK can be found in some versions of the Lucky Patcher application which allows other apps to be hacked and patched. However, potentially it can be integrated into other software.
Tool.GPSTracker.1.origin launches when the application containing it is used as well as automatically when an Android device powers on. Next, it begins periodically recording geolocation data (once per minute by default) and sending the collected information to a remote server (once per hour by default). The data is transferred to the server specified by the app’s developer. If one is not specified, a default hxxps[:]//api[.]navigine[.]com server is used.